Withycombe Raleigh
C of E Primary School
Headteacher Mrs E Jones

We are a Church of England school with a strong Christian ethos and this foundation is evident throughout our school. Withycombe Raleigh Church of England Primary was founded in 1886, when it was established on the site of the old St Michael’s Church, providing a Christian foundation for the education of children.
We aim to continue this tradition by ensuring Christian principles of love and care are at the centre of all we do. The School was inspected by the Inspection Service for Anglican schools and achieved an ‘Outstanding’ grade.
Our school has enjoyed some major building enhancements to our already extensive and well equipped school and grounds. We are a highly inclusive school with a talented and committed team of staff who deliver quality lessons, provide excellent care and support and offer a remarkable range of extra-curricular activities.
I am very proud of our school. I am an experienced Headteacher and I have a personal commitment to the quality of education received by every pupil in our school. We have an excellent reputation in our community for achievement and for our extra curricular opportunities, such as music and sport, for which we have enjoyed success both locally and nationally. Ofsted (2017) reported that our school continues to be a good school and pupils and parents value how we maintain the wide breadth of the curriculum and provide many opportunities for pupils to take part in musical and sporting activities.
We all work very hard to ensure every child in our care is given every opportunity to reach their full potential so that they leave us well-equipped to enter into their next stage of education and on into the challenges of adult life.
Our relationship with our families is a vital part of the success of our school and we hope that all children who attend Withycombe Raleigh will look back on the experience with great pleasure and fond memories.
Strategic Partnership Collaboration
We are celebrating our collaborative work with our partner church schools, Tipton St John Primary, Feniton Primary and St Martins (Cranbrook), who we have been working with closely over recent months. In order to further strengthen this partnership, we now have an agreement in place. A copy of our announcement letter can be found here.
Links with our Church
As you will probably already know, Withycombe Raleigh Primary School is a “Church of England” School. The connection between schools and the church is a long and I trust happy one.
Historically, the church was one of the few institutions which believed that universal education for children, rather than long hours of heavy manual work was a good idea. I hope and trust also, that the relationship is mutually beneficial: certainly it is for us locally.
It is always a pleasure to come into school either for collective worship or to join the children for lessons, or the have the school or parts of it in church for various events throughout the year.
As a church school, we have a distinctive Christian ethos which speaks of the importance of everyone regardless of income or ability recognizing as it does that every one of us is precious in the sign of God, and there to one another.
You do not have to be a Christian, to either work in the school or be a pupil of the school, we are a genius community school, here for everyone, but I hope that our Christian ethos is one that people of all faiths and none could subscribe to, because living in such a way helps our children to grow and learn in a safer, happier and more secure environment, and will help them build a better world.
Fr Robert Sellers
Please click here to visit the website for St John the Evangelist Church, Withycombe, Exmouth