Withycombe Raleigh
C of E Primary School
Headteacher Mrs E Jones

At Withycombe Raleigh Primary School we take our safeguarding duties very seriously. If you have any concerns about a child please let us know. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is the Deputy Headteacher Mr Mike Smith. If you're worried about your own or about someone else’s safety please contact the MASH Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub on 0345 155 1071 or email mashsecure@devon.gov.uk.
If you feel there is an emergency please call 999.
We have a separate page with some great tips and information about online safety, which includes entertainment streaming services like Netflix and YouTube. Please click here:
Our School Safeguarding Team
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Deputy Safeguarding Leads
Safeguarding Governors

Mr Smith

Mrs Jones

Mrs Wheeler

Alison Longhorn

Anna Slade


Early Help
Safeguarding posters showing who to speak to are also displayed in all our school buildings.
Useful Links and Resources
Weekly DSL updates on a range of Safeguarding topics are added to our school newsletter, which you can find on the Home Connect page.
Devon Children and Families Partnership (DCPT)
The Devon Children and Families Partnership is designed to safeguard by making sure that children and families can get the right support, in the right place at the right time.
This partnership offer incredibly useful advice about:
Health and wellbeing – for mental and physical health
Where to find ‘Early Help’ - You may be worrying about someone’s physical or mental health, a disability or special need, being a carer, domestic abuse, alcohol or drug misuse, harmful behaviour or involvement in crime.
Keeping Children Safe, including child abuse and exploitation
The Devon Children and Families Partnership website has some great resources to make sure that children and families get the right support, in the right place at the right time: https://www.dcfp.org.uk/
The NSPCC provides support and tips to help you keep children safe. From advice on children’s mental health to staying safe online, support for parents and what to do if you’re worried about a child: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/
Devon Family Advice Line
Exeter Community Initiatives have a new phone advice line for parents and carers across Devon. ECI will offer advice on specific issues around your children, and/or family relationships, including any communication issues or conflict you might be having with partners or co-parents of your children. While this isn’t a replacement for more targeted support, ECI can offer a place to be heard, discuss a few tips on how to deal with a particular situation, or signpost you to an organisation which may be able to give you more help.
Call 01392 949059, lines open 10am – 2pm weekdays.
Harmful Sexual Behaviour
Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB) is an umbrella term used to describe developmentally inappropriate sexual behaviour which is displayed by children and young people and which may be problematic, harmful or abusive. HSB encompasses a range of behaviour, which can be displayed towards younger children, peers, older children or adults. Where HSB is directed towards another child, it can be considered to be a type of child-on-child abuse. It is harmful to the children and young people who display it, as well as the people it is directed towards.
Harmful sexual behaviour can/may:
Cause developmental damage
Occur between children of any age and gender
Involve individuals or groups, targeting other individuals or groups
Occur online and/or offline
Be progressive and escalate
At WRPS we understand that Harmful Sexual Behaviour can be indicative of underlying safeguarding concerns; children who exhibit harmful sexual behaviour may have experienced abuse or trauma themselves. Where there are concerns about HSB involving children our staff will respond and report all concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Useful links:- useful advice, including what to do if you are concerned.
Lucy Faithfull/Parents Protect
Understanding Abuse
Types of Abuse - Signs and Symptoms
Child abuse is when a child is intentionally harmed by an adult or another child – it can be over a period of time but can also be a one-off action. It can be physical, sexual or emotional and it can happen in person or online. It can also be a lack of love, care and attention – this is neglect. Please find information on this informative NSPCC link: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-is-child-abuse/
Child-on-child abuse
This can take various forms including serious bullying, relationship abuse and exploitation:
Domestic Abuse
During Covid-19 some people may be feeling unsafe because they are having to spend more time at home with a partner or family member who is harming them in some way: ttps://www.victimcaredevonandcornwall.org.uk/
Sexual Abuse
At Withycombe School, we use the NSPCC’s ‘Talking PANTS’ which helps children understand that their body belongs to them, and they should tell someone they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried.
Splitz offers a support service that will remain with you as you navigate your way through the many specialist services you may need to access and provide you with a single point of contact. They offer support in regaining or finding the strength to move on in a healthy and independent way: https://www.splitz.org/contact-us.html
County Lines
County lines refers to the practice of urban gangs supplying and moving drugs (of drug money) to suburban areas including coastal towns such as Exmouth. If you are concerned, please feel free to seek advice from the school’s designated safeguarding lead (Mr Smith) or other members of the safeguarding team at school. We will then seek advice from the MASH / Devon’s Social Care Services.
If you think that a young person is in immediate danger call 999
If you have non-urgent information to share with the police, you should contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111
Further information about County Lines can be obtained via these informative websites
Below right: A police video highlighting some of the warning signs of child exploitation
'Did you see that coming?'
Grooming happens when someone takes advantage of another person by persuading them to think and do things that they would not otherwise do. This can include encouraging someone to develop support for extremist ideas, these may be political, religious or other causes. The person being groomed may be encouraged to feel anger and intolerance towards other people, groups or communities.
People exposed to these forms of grooming can become radicalised. Information including help and support around this issue is included in this short and useful video.
We have a number of Policies Relating to Safeguarding,
which can be found on the Data and Policies page of this website