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Welcome to Year 3
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Sycamore Class:

Teachers: Mrs Binks, Mrs Wilson



Willow Class:

Teacher: Mrs Rogers


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Beech Class:

Teachers: Mrs Rose, Miss Neesam


Your ​Year 3 Teaching Assistants:

Fiona Scholes, Ben Stranks, Neen Bond,  Meg Barnes, Kate Findley-Wilson, Michelle McFarlane, Amanda Luxton

Documents, news and links

Throughout the year we will update your letters, documents and useful links on this page for you to refer back to. The topic webs are updated termly so you can get a good overview of what we'll be learning.

Remember to check the Home Connect page too, as that's where you'll find whole-school news, events and key dates.

Welcome back letter, Summer Term April 2024

Topic Web Summer Term 2024

Y3 Summer Term Topic Web.jpg

Have you heard about The Withycombe 60?

It's 60 brilliant things to do while at our school.

Each year group has a list of interesting activities to work towards through the year, with each class having their own 'postcard' to write down when they complete their activities.

We'll add some photos on this page as we go along!

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